Starting in the 2017-2018 school year, Illinois schools with 70% or more of the student population eligible for free or reduced–price meals will begin offering Breakfast After the Bell – which means serving breakfast as part of the school day. Breakfast as part of the school day increases access to the nutrition all students require each morning to learn and succeed in the classroom.
Breakfast After the Bell Backstory:
Breakfast in the cafeteria before school starts doesn’t reach most students. Students may not get to school early enough, opt to hang out with friends, or aren’t hungry early in the morning. As a result thousands of students in Illinois start their morning without breakfast.
In Illinois, the school breakfast program only reaches 47.6% of students who are eating a free or reduced-price lunch, making us 43rd in the nation for breakfast participation.
The Good News:
In 2016, the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed Breakfast After the Bell legislation ensuring students in 890 schools across the state have access to a healthy breakfast to start their day. The legislation was signed into law August 19, 2016. Schools may choose a Breakfast After the Bell delivery model (Breakfast in the Classroom, Grab ‘N’ Go, or Second Chance Breakfast) that best suits the students.

Delivery Models:
Students pick-up bagged or boxed breakfast from mobile carts in high traffic areas (hallways, entryways). Students can eat in the classroom or designated areas on school grounds before and after the bell has rung.

Start or enhance your Breakfast After the Bell program by:
- Downloading the Playbook: Breakfast After the Bell Toolkit – a resource for Breakfast After the Bell implementation.
- Learn about and apply for the Community Eligibility Provision
School Resources:
- Activity Sheets – Elementary
- Activity Sheets – Middle and High School
- Breakfast After the Bell Poster
- Morning Announcements

See Breakfast after the Bell in Action
Golder – Breakfast in the Classroom
Urbana Breakfast After the Bell
Berwyn Breakfast after the Bell

Community Eligibility Provision:
Toolkits & Blueprints to get started and sustain Breakfast After the Bell:
- Playbook: Breakfast After the Bell Toolkit
- Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) Secondary School Principals’ Breakfast After the Bell Toolkit
- American Federation of Teachers & Food Research & Action Center Breakfast Blueprint
- USDA’s Energize Your Day with School Breakfast
School Breakfast Reports:
Facts and Figures:
General Breakfast Resources:
- Food Research & Action Center School Breakfast Scorecard SY 2018-2019
- Food Research & Action Center School Breakfast Scorecard SY 2017-2018
- Breakfast After the Bell 1- Pager
- Breakfast After the Bell Spanish 1- Pager
- Breakfast After the Bell Delivery Models
- No Kid Hungry – Center for Best Practices
- Food Research and Action Center – School Breakfast