If you are a parent, administrator, food service professional, or community member you are in the right place to learn about school breakfast and other child nutrition programs that provide food for students.
Apply for Breakfast After the Bell Grants
The Breakfast After the Bell Playbook is here
The 2017 Illinois School Breakfast Report Is Here

Here at Rise and Shine it’s our mission to connect hungry students to breakfast. But we need you to take the first step. It’s easy. Simply click here to contact a Breakfast Coordinator. That’s all it takes to get the ball rolling on behalf of hungry students in your school. So what are you waiting for? Help them Rise & Shine!
Hunger Makes After-School and Summer Harder Too.
When the school bell rings at the end of the day or at the end of the year, children who rely on school breakfast and lunch are faced with a challenge: where they will get their next meal. Rise & Shine Illinois can help with that too. Visit our Summer and At-Risk After-School Meals program pages to learn how you can get involved.